2008 - TinkerBell
This is where it all began... Well, not quite, but post Peter Pan this is where it began.
Here we got introduced to the world of Fairies and the beautiful Tinkerbell. Though there is a great story and a lot that can be learned, I kinda feel like this one was done as a standalone in case the series didn't take off.
So what does one get from this movie? From learning how Fairies are born to meeting the mane six (yes, that is a pony reference) and getting to know about their talents, how they are ruled, and everything else you end up immersed in a world that may require you to take a few notes.
Grab some popcorn, a drink, and while your at it, grab up a pen and paper and get started.
The second installment in the TinkerBell series and from what I have heard, there is mixed reaction.
2009 - TinkerBell and the Lost Treasure

This film focused a lot on Tink's temper and what seemed to be a budding relationship between her and the male fairy, Terrance. To start, I will say that I don't like Terrance at all and I think working him into the film felt forced, like Disney wanted Tink to have a boyfriend. I get the the fact that he played an important part in the story but then he barely played any role in the rest of the movies. Perhaps I'm just overly biased cause I don't like him but I think there are others out there who agree.
Either way, outside of the whole Terrance thing, the movie told quite a great story and introduced us to Blaze, a cutesie firefly who helps Tink along her journey. If your a "Mane Six" fanboy though, there isn't much of the others in this film. Still, a great watch. Though, anything with Tink is sweet.