PHD Update #01

Screen Cap from the Pixie Hollow Bake Off

Well, I have spent the better part of my day today working on the formatting and whatnot for the site.  Still trying to figure out a lot of the links and what pages to put on here but there will need to be some real content shortly.

For anyone who stumbles across this before it becomes the biggest thing on the net (ya, right), if you feel you would have content to offer, be it Fanfic, art, history, whatever...  Please submit it!

I am also looking for a few internet folks who would like to run the page with me.  Adding content daily seems easy but it would be nice if there were anyone else out there who enjoys the Fairies as much as I do and would like to assist.  Go to the APPLY tab at the top of the page and let me know what you would like to do to help out!

Until then...  Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust!