Pre-Order/Release Day Delivery almost up at Amazon for Neverbeast!

First off, I want to say that in no way am I supporting or advertising for Amazon.  That's not what this site is for. With that out of the way though, for any of you planning to pre-order Neverbeast, you have like very little time left to do so.  Of course you can hope that your local Target or WalMart has it on Tuesday as well. But if you are like me and have Amazon Prime, you can pre-order there and receive it Tuesday!

Head on down below the break for the back side of the case and see all the special features you get!

Well that's it for tonight. Been a long day of auditing files at work. At least tomorrow is Saturday, and it will be our first Monthly Recap Post!  Yay!

Until then...  Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust!